Monday 2 September 2019

/// About this blogger and blog!

My Aim

For the AS coursework this year students will be creating a film opening of maximum 2 minutes. The name should be similar to an actual movie and follow the institutional conventions for commercial cinema. All images and text must be produced by the candidate. Can be individual or in groups of max. 

Why did I pick media?

I have had an interest in the subject for many years. Since starting Media Studies in iGCSE, I have enjoyed it a lot and have developed a passion for the subject, as I would always look forward to the lessons. I especially enjoy the practical side, as I produced a piece of work that I was very proud of.


What am I looking forward to?

I am looking forward to working on media tasks with other students, editing both sound and film, as well as creating a radio show with my peers for the public.

What am I worried about?

I am worried about my theory exam. I am usually able to do work that I'm proud of for practical (therefore I am very excited to create my film opening) although I am slightly nervous for my theory exam.

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