Thursday 5 December 2019

/// MARKETING1 Social Media

In todays lesson, we looked at setting up social medias for marketing our film opening. We decided to set up TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We want to target a primary audience of ages 15-24, and a secondary audience of 25-45. Tiktok focuses on an audience that's relatively young, therefore that would target the younger spectrum. Instagram has a slightly more mixed audience, as there are a lot of young people on it, while also some older. Twitter is also more familiar to younger adults whereas Facebook has an older audience (therefore reaching the secondary audience) as the audience has grown up with the app. We also designated a role to each social media, as we can give more time to social media's that suit each of us better. I am in charge of the Tiktok, as I have experience on the app, Tristan will takeover the Twitter account, Emma will take over Instagram and James will start the facebook account. Here are the links:

- Facebook
- Twitter

Along with this, we made a gmail account together, so that we can all access each social media. it is

1 comment:

  1. Good, but...the FOUR links still aren't added; you should contextualise this by EACH for your chosen social media putting together a simple Ppt with egs + some written analysis/summary of how the industry does use these. ie, each find existing examples, take screenshots + sum up, so what you do is then clearly APPLYING RESEARCH + widening your knowledge of industry/audience factors. As ever, take care to highlight POSSIBLE INFLUENCES - if you see something you might also do, say so. It would be useful to include a 5th Ppt which ties together all the POSSIBLE INFLUENCES (this always goes to the top of a post).
    You should each be screenshotting posts as you go, + v often posting similar things but in the style of that role/media.


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