Thursday 24 October 2019

/// IDEAS3 Film opening first PITCH



psychological thriller
may or may not incorporate the very dark humour that they use in 'End of the F****ing World' - I am
yet to decide


James as the main character named Cole

very counterypical
Poorly styled hair, scruffy, needs haircut
idea of wearing t-shirt with a counter typical idea on it and something that completely contradicts his character (i.e a Taylor swift merch to make clear that someone had bought this from him) + converse, baggy jeans with belt
a close up of the t-shirt might trick the audience into thinking this character is different to how he is
Blood splashes on him
Emma as the female character, without a name, clearly sexualised, showing a shoulder and/or wearing short shorts, wearing white (inspiration taken from Christian Stricker's past as work) (hinting Cole must have manipulated her?)


There is convenient path near my house that I would quite like to film it at + it has a park by it so if I decide to have anything creepy go on there, that is convenient. I would start the setting in Coles house (aka my house), and then film him walking somewhere. The original idea is the film this at night (8pm) so that it builds on the creepy feel). As Cole keeps seeing the character, I have a shot in mind where he is walking along the path and then in the background, you get a glimpse of the girl sitting on the crossbar of the football goal, and then seconds later she has disappeared 


Cole, a psychopath (with potential schizophrenia) kills Emma's character, with enjoyment, and expresses all his emotions through a voiceover ('End of the F****ing World' style - sounding emotionless). Cole is on a walk through a dark forest and keeps getting flashbacks to him killing Emma, and then also keeps seeing her walking with him + hearing her voice. Ends with a significant line in the voiceover and then potentially showing Cole arrive at a little play park and then swinging on a children's swing or something similar (to create a creepy stigma around the character.

I will use narrative enigma around this character, as I will show the killing around half way through the 2 minutes, and then as soon as that has been shown, I will cut to an ECU of Coles face (maybe with a slight smirk on his face)


I want it to be a jolly sound that sounds creepy. Very hard to explain but the opening of 'End of the F****ing World' describes what I want perfectly. Listen here
The whistling connotes a jolly feel, but then I would like very dark lyrics

1 comment:

  1. Some useful evidence of pitch research + preparation, but ultimately its not a fully convincing idea and there’s a lack of genre knowledge underpinning the proposal (relies on limited TV examples from mix of genres). You’ve got extensive feedback from the lesson: this needs to be summed up + reflected on, with a new pitch prepared. (Post title should use a numbering system: PITCH1 Original Idea, etc) Any new pitch should be clearly anchored in specific examples from existing texts, with a clear focus on a film genre, and needs to address the need for multiple locations to ensure access to higher mise-en-scene marks – and generally reflect more ambition.


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