Friday 25 October 2019

/// IDEAS4 Explaining Failure: attempt 1 Film Opening PITCH

After discussing original film opening idea with peers and teacher, I have decided to scrap the idea.


Lack of enthusiasm 

  • Wasn't particular excited by the idea
  • Felt like a rushed idea

Wrong inspiration

  • Was inspired by an opening of a TV show
  • Style of TV opening was slightly different to a standard movie opening

No 'wow' factor

  • The concept was simple and had little to show off skills
  • Wasn't much potential for SFX and unique directing styles
  • Too plain
  • No twist/excitement took place in the idea

Little understanding of the genre

  • I intended to dos a psychological thriller, yet plot reflected different genre
  • Hadn't previously done enough research on the genre 

Underestimating Workload

  • Originally, my plan was to work alone as I felt it would be the easiest way to achieve marks that reflect my own standard
  • Further on from this, I will work with my classmate, James, as we have worked together well in the past + both had similar ideas to start off with

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