Thursday 27 February 2020

/// GENERAL CONVENTIONS: Titles, Idents, Production context

  • Usually see around 10-20
  • Total time can vary as some go up to 2 minutes but other can end at around 20 seconds
  • When referring to a company, the text will usually say 'In association with' or 'presents'
  • When the director is mentioned, it might say 'a film directed by'
  • Actors will be referred to as 'introducing', 'starring' or 'featuring'
  • If the director is an auteur, their name is likely to be either first for emphasis, or last
  • The fonts change based on the genre 
  • Usually serif fonts would be associated with horror/slasher/thriller style of genre
  • When there is a bigger star, they will earn a bigger title as the aim of the production is to bring more people in with the star power
  • if it is an auteur director, their name is likely to be larger and have a greater focus on it
  • Upper case fonts usually bring a larger focus to them, so the important parts might have a large upper case font
  • The upper case font also depends on the genre as it doesn't fit with genres like romance
  • Colour also depends on the genre
  • A horror might have a red or blue tint (intertextualising Halloween if blue)
  • Zombieland is an example of a movie including interactive titles
  • This is a countertype as most titles are static

Production context

UK Film council was a non-departmental public body set up in 2000 to develop and promote the film industry in the UK. It is funded by the National Lottery. Films it has funded include '28 Days Later' and 'The King's Speech'.
BBFC is responsible for setting the age ratings for films in the UK
Production companies
Big 5 are the largest production companies (Paramount, Sony Columbia, 20th Century Fox, Universal, Warner Bros)
UK Film

  • Idents are placed towards the start of a movie
  • They identify all companies mainly involved in the production of the movie
  • Average length of around 6-7 seconds per ident
  • Adds up to around 20-30 seconds in total
  • The typical ident is a simple style
  • The standard is to have 2-4 idents before the opening of the film
  • This alters for indie movies as they can occasionally have none
  • When the conglomerate is larger, they will have more screen time for their idents (Big 5)
  • Big 5 don't usually use audio bridges either
  • Idents can also be altered depending on the genre

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