Sunday 2 February 2020



Grey zip up hoodie
left open to show white shirt with blood stain

Baggy blue jeans
Shaun of the Dead zombies look as if they are fitted normally as if they are normal humans

Black socks
We didn't want any false representations with white or coloured socks

White hands
Had to match with the colour of the rest of the body
White connotes a dead look

White base layer of face + lips
White connotes a dead look

Red directly under eyes
Zombie looks tired (matching with the way he walks and the way he moans)

Lighter/dusty hair
We put flour (as an emergency replacement of falcon powder) in the zombie's hair
Possible hint that he has 'risen from the ground'

Scar through eye and on neck
Fake cuts add to the dead and beaten up look

Contact lens in one eye
makes the cut look like it did damage

1 comment:

  1. hair aside, this looks superb, great job! This was a key challenge of working in this sub-genre, but this looks very promising
    I see you're still lacking links lists; make sure you work together as a group to match your lists titles and order to make it quick to check for posts to share/update.


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