Thursday 30 January 2020

/// PRE-PRODUCTION15 Filming equipment

Here is a list of the equipment we will use to record our film opening:

Small Tripod - convenient for worms eye view shots

iPhone 11 - the highest quality out of all iPhone cameras. Has a very wide angle lens (improving the issue of recording in small rooms). Similar quality to proper camera

LED camera light - this means we can film in rooms that have slightly less light.

Large Tripod - gives the shots stability and gives us the opportunity to adjust heights if need be

iPhone tripod adaptor - meaning we can attach the iPhone to the tripod

Gimbal - if we chose to use any tracking shots, it gives a very stabilised and professional look to the footage

1 comment:

  1. look ahead to your eval Qs; it will simplify that if you record some simple BTS of these in use. When sharing/archiving, try to change file name; tag; cut/export short clips; use the ‘Favorite’ tool (any of those) to help make it easier to find this material quickly. As we’re running very late, you should also be thinking of CREATIVE approaches to communicating how you’ve used such tools (Q4) and how your skills have evolved since September with these (Q3) – a point to share with the rest of the group.


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