Thursday 30 January 2020

/// PRE-PRODUCTION14 Blog schedule?

These are the blog posts we want to have completed by 02/02/20

  • Makeup video and blog - Emma
  • Mia Jones outfit (yet to find black leather jacket) - Emma
  • Zombie outfit - Louis
  • Animatic - James
  • Eddie Pegg outfit - Tristan
  • Donnie Romero outfit - Tristan
  • Behind the scenes from film opening - Emma
  • Idents - Louis combining them together
  • Screenplay - Tristan
  • Equipment used - Louis 
  • Casting characters - James


    1. MAKEUP VID - POSS INFLUENCES need referencing
      MIA OUTFIT: specify any missing bits of costume
      zombie OUTFIT: specify any missing bits of costume; as for all, make poss influences clear + explicit
      Animatic - James: Tristan has re-outlined what this is: animated storyboard, but in your case using a mix of bts eg scouting pics/vids + screenshots etc - to present how your final cut is planned to be. Should include clear shot/FX/transition/audio denotation
      Eddie Pegg outfit - Tristan: clear on influences/intertextuality? + be clear on what the costume is!!!
      Donnie Romero outfit - Tristan: same as above; we discussed getting the stains prepped before the others arrive
      Behind the scenes from film opening - Emma: you mean from the shoot? Be clear: you're EDITING this
      Idents - Louis combining them together: James ident? we filmed 2 in lesson time, make sure ALL are done this weekend
      Screenplay - Tristan: you need to ask for template
      Equipment used - Louis: just be comprehensive; fits with 1 eval Q...
      Casting characters - James: you mean nclearly need to clarify this within the group

    2. Quite a lot still missing from this list. POST-production is imminent, you collectively need to get PRE-production comprehensively completed asap.
      Your posts on this are rather different too.


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