Monday 27 January 2020

/// PRE-PRODUCTION13 Update + Zombie makeup practise 2


26/01/2020 was set to be our first filming day, however unfortunately a cast member fell ill just before filming, therefore we couldn't film. We have now arranged to meet on 02/02/2020 to have our first filming.


Despite not filming on this date, myself and Scope Productions met up to practice the zombie makeup once more. It worked relatively well, as the zombie look is a lot more complete than the last time we practised it. Here is a comparison between the two zombie looks we have done so far.

One the left, we have a look that we went or a few weeks ago. It is a lot more simpler and significantly less convincing. On the right, we have the look we practised this Sunday. Here are things we preferred about the more recent one:
  • The scar is more convincing (and it looks good going through the eye - will work very well with contact lense)
  • Bruising around the scar
  • The makeup goes down to the neck
  • lip looks swollen because of the blood
Here are some things we want to improve on for our final zombie look:
  • The blood around the mouth is too bright
  • There are white areas around the scarring
  • The general colour needs to be more pale (too red/purple)
We still need to practise:
  • Fitting the makeup with the hair
  • Dressing the zombie with the makeup
  • practising with liquid latex
Here is a video of us completing the face of makeup on the 26/01/2020....



  1. That is a HUGE upgrade on the earlier attempt - though, as you've noted, don't neglect the hair!

  2. Make sure you keep a simple tick list of jobs to do - such as adding the video mentioned here. Try also to keep showing APPLIED research: some reference to research/conventions you're reflecting here is always useful. Taking shape well.


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