Friday 22 November 2019


  • WT2 - pseudo indie - not indie but low budget
  • Conventional first shot being outdoors but not in World's End
  • Extreme Long-shot
  • Straight cut - no fade in
  • Rule of thirds - not concrete however light part is centered
  • Giving some exposition
  • Verisimilitude - props in mise-en-scene (folders)
  • Sound of sirens giving exposition
  • Doors opening alongside explosion sound effect (cuts sharply when doors open) - signifier of comedy
  • Diegetic sound of doors opening - often exaggerated to create a larger effect
  • Rushing character - connotes serious and taking job seriously - possibly central protagonist
  • Junior company is represented by 'In association with'
  • First cut using disguised cut (effective and something to think about for personal film opening)
  • 31 seconds opening long take
  • Exposition with close-up to focus on stern, serious expression
  • comedic when badge comes out and shows exact same expression
  • exaggerated walk links to comedy genre as well
  • the long sustained note forces tension
  • Camera is also tracking in

1 comment:

  1. Again, this remains lesson notes lacking in specific (any!) illustration or any further development beyond a bullet list.


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