Thursday 7 November 2019

/// FILM OPENING EG3 Grimsby

Grimsby Film Opening Analysis

Several idents because:

- One might be distributor 
- It is an unpredictable risky business therefore co-production spreads the risk

Low budget films often have BFI, TV channels idents.

Working title occasionally don't show their ident as they don't have control. This is because they are a subsidiary of one of the conglomerates in the Big 5. Working Title are considered the junior company.

Had to change the name of the movie as it did poorly in distribution, due to the lack of international understanding (continuous references for a UK audience) 

  • Immediate Audio bridging
  • Columbia (owned by Sony) are the conglomerate of this working title movie because of first look
  • Working Title ident is missing
  • First shot: No narrative enigma on character + doesn't begin with establishing shot. Narrative enigma on location Starts with big close-up on two characters kissing + shallow field of focus.
  • slight high angle
  • R&B music (not seen as sophisticated)
  • Heteronormative
  • Thick wide sideburns connote a working-class character + hints at the comedy element.
  • Male's head is larger than the females + male is on top. Connotation of who is the central character.
  • Potential red filter could hint at porn or the past
  • Further exposition through the mise-en-scene (England tattoo on protagonists back). Specific to England's football team, clear reading on the character + tattoo done poorly (clearly working-class). The fact that it is football is important as if it was a posher sport, the exposition on the character would be incorrect.
  • Beer can gives further anchorage of working-class
  • Anchorage on the genre (comedy) 
  • Typical Working Title production as it has a poor stereotype of working-class (but works as a comedy)
  • The narrative enigma ended with a shock to the audience, as the intimacy was taking place in a store
  • Sale (89.99 pounds) - cheap bed (working-class)
  • Single mothers taking children out - stereotype that a working-class mother must be single + smoking a cigarette further hints at it + tracksuit (chav)
  • Potential intertextual reference from This is England 
  • 'Columbia Presents presents' - usually denoting distributor 
  • fast-paced editing (short takes)
  • Proppian archetype hero/protagonist achieved through more close ups

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