Tuesday 8 September 2020

Wednesday 11 March 2020

/// GENRE CONVENTIONS: General Media Language

Warm Bodies

Jonathan Levine
Box office117 million USD
Budget: 35 million USD
Sound - voice over, harmless non-diegetic string instrument music connoting peace (contradicting what is on screen) signifies the comedy element
ECU on protagonist
opening shot is of guy staring into camera
similar to hot fuzz first shot (1 continuous shot)
clothes + dirt on floor - blue filter on screen - intertextualising halloween (horror element)
Yet to show protagonists full face (slight narrative enigma) 
narrative enigma on setting
slow motion
showing little emotion in his voice
chairs fallen over
dark, no sun
yellow signs suggest it is at airport
denotes the miseducating-en-scene ironically ("hoodie suggests unemployed")
music changes after 52 seconds of opening to become even more joyful when discussing past life
classic old filter to show flashback - brown tint with shaky outer layer
false scare - standard for horror
music cuts off during false scare
scream used (likely added in foley sound)
music reenters after 2 seconds
green screen style when discussing past 
signs fallen over
straight blue jeans with zip up red hoodie (used to connote blood)
standard grey hoodie
Broken tv's as m-en-s
constant tracking camera
Colours change to bright and colourful when discussing past"we wish you a merry Christmas" starts playing
Cuts out hen it returns to present
diegetic sound of people talking introduced then cut out
cracked windows
panning out shot revealing outside location with hand of god style shot
has no main title - uses high angle ElS shots to transition into main film
binary opposites + countertypes with humans

Bride of Chucky

Ronny Yu
Box office50.7 million USD
Budget25 million USD
Blue tint
Clear 'prize' denotation
Black tight fitted dress
High heels
Late and dark - usually suggests something bad is about to happen
panning up from worms eye view
leans on abandoned police car - rebellious
blonde hair covering face
heavy makeup
cuts to her doing her nails with blood
non-diegetic sound that would be associated with the antagonist
wearing choker
wet abandoned street
narrative enigma on character
male gaze with nail shot - the chest shown in background due to the revealing dress
licks the blood with her finger - sexual connotations
diegetic sound of high heels on road
very 'creepy' sound of nail file against nails
unknown beam of light coming from sky
reaches into police car and finds a lighter (fire is another signifier that something will go wrong)
'dumb blonde' stereotype when the female says "cool"
Music peaks when she brings mask up
Shape of windows suggests she is near a chapel or church
electric guitar kicks in after "well hello dolly"
She walks moving the bin bag between her hands
What is in the bag?
panning out shot to reveal establishing shot
'Bride of Chucky' - largest font - seems to be made out of bloody parts for bubble font - 'bride of' in cursive italics
first normal shot is panning around a tree

Thursday 5 March 2020

/// GENRE CONVENTIONS: Titles, Idents and production context

Land of the dead
Budget16 million USD
Box office46.8 million USD
George A. Romero
No jingles however first one has background sound that fits with it 
atmosphere pictures
Wild Bunch and Universal Pictures presents 
In association with atmosphere entertainment
A Mark Canton-Bernie Goldmann and Romero-Grunwald production
In association with Rangerkim
George A Romero's Land of the Dead (auteur)
Smoke coming from main title
Actors names come up as the storyline begins
High pitched sound in the background
Large font on main title
Splatter style connotes blood splatter
Bold bubble serif font
Different flashing images while titles are going on
All black and white titles and images

DirectorJohn Carpenter
Box office$60–70 million
Budget325,000 USD
Creepy fast music
builds heart rate
No jingles
A Compass international pictures release
Moustapha Akkad presents
Donald Pleasence in
John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN
largest font
Titles do not take place over the opening scene
First shot

Monday 2 March 2020

/// GENERAL CONVENTIONS: General media language


Audio bridges often go over the final ident to transition into the main film
Foley sound is when the audio is recorded in post-production
Successful ambient sound achieves verisimilitude and continuity editing
Music can be non-diegetic or diegetic
Music is used to signify genres i.e slow smooth piano music might be linked to a romance
In horror, music quite often cuts off at a sudden moment (false scare)
Other than this, music quite often fades out/in
Many movies have music produced for the movie (can be a way of bringing more of an audience to the film)
Movies can also use pre-existing music
Typically, large budget movies will have foley sound recorded

First shot

First shot is opening 30 seconds of film

Hot fuzz has an ongoing 30 second shot to open (shortly followed by a transition)
ELS conventional first establishing shot
Used for exposition
Sometimes audio bridge
Often diegetic scene
Sound often exaggerated
Often narrative enigma on setting and protagonist
always genre significations in first shot however can leave polysemy
Titles often run over

Central Protagonist + Narrative

Different theories surrounding narrative structure include:
Propp - 7 character archetypes
Todorov - (narrative structure) equilibrium to disequilibrium to new equilibrium
Levi-Strauss - binary opposites
Roland Barthes - narrative enigma

The 7 character archetypes Propp discovered were the hero, helper, villain, false hero, donor, dispatcher and princess. Hero is often shown through establishing shots. Hero will always be the central protagonist in the movie. Often narrative enigma on the main character at the start.
Narrative enigma is when there is a mystery in the narrative.
Todorov's theory states that there is a brief 5 point structure that many films follow. This is:
  • Equilibrium 
  • Disruption of equilibrium
  • Recognition of this disruption
  • An attempt to repair the damage
  • New equilibrium
Levi-Strauss proposed an idea that al films have binary opposites. This is when one character is the opposite to another (male/female, lower-class/upper-class, sporty/nerdy)

Mise-en-scene for exposition

Directors achieve exposition through mise-en-scene using props, costume, make-up, body language, setting and set-design. Replaces the need for voice-overs and/or any diegetic dialogue. Links to the theme of simulacra, believing there is always an ongoing chain of signifiers, and everything is set up in the miseducating-en-scene to connote something.

Transitioning to main film

Audio bridges
Crossfade to/from black

Thursday 27 February 2020

/// GENERAL CONVENTIONS: Titles, Idents, Production context

  • Usually see around 10-20
  • Total time can vary as some go up to 2 minutes but other can end at around 20 seconds
  • When referring to a company, the text will usually say 'In association with' or 'presents'
  • When the director is mentioned, it might say 'a film directed by'
  • Actors will be referred to as 'introducing', 'starring' or 'featuring'
  • If the director is an auteur, their name is likely to be either first for emphasis, or last
  • The fonts change based on the genre 
  • Usually serif fonts would be associated with horror/slasher/thriller style of genre
  • When there is a bigger star, they will earn a bigger title as the aim of the production is to bring more people in with the star power
  • if it is an auteur director, their name is likely to be larger and have a greater focus on it
  • Upper case fonts usually bring a larger focus to them, so the important parts might have a large upper case font
  • The upper case font also depends on the genre as it doesn't fit with genres like romance
  • Colour also depends on the genre
  • A horror might have a red or blue tint (intertextualising Halloween if blue)
  • Zombieland is an example of a movie including interactive titles
  • This is a countertype as most titles are static

Production context

UK Film council was a non-departmental public body set up in 2000 to develop and promote the film industry in the UK. It is funded by the National Lottery. Films it has funded include '28 Days Later' and 'The King's Speech'.
BBFC is responsible for setting the age ratings for films in the UK
Production companies
Big 5 are the largest production companies (Paramount, Sony Columbia, 20th Century Fox, Universal, Warner Bros)
UK Film

  • Idents are placed towards the start of a movie
  • They identify all companies mainly involved in the production of the movie
  • Average length of around 6-7 seconds per ident
  • Adds up to around 20-30 seconds in total
  • The typical ident is a simple style
  • The standard is to have 2-4 idents before the opening of the film
  • This alters for indie movies as they can occasionally have none
  • When the conglomerate is larger, they will have more screen time for their idents (Big 5)
  • Big 5 don't usually use audio bridges either
  • Idents can also be altered depending on the genre

Monday 24 February 2020

/// PRODUCTION1 Film Shoot 1


  • We arrived at the location (Emma's house)
  • Took 1 hour to set up and do makeup
  • This included setting up mise-en-scene and removing any unnecessary set in the room 
  • Started filming in the bathroom first
  • This scene was a combat scene therefore took slightly longer
  • After this, we completed the bedroom scene (quick short scene where 'Donnie' is picking up clothes and choosing an outfit)
  • After a lunch break, we completed the living room wake up scene.
  • This took us 5 hours overall.
  • Myself and Scope Productions were directing and filming this shoot, as one of our group members was unable to turn up. This made it more challenging as setting up took longer and we had to improvise with some of the props as we didn't have access to all the props.
  • We had a friend filming behind the scenes

Things that went well:

  • Good cooperation - We worked well together and filmed and directed a similar amount of scenes
  • We did it in an appropriate order which made our lives easier
  • We got a large variety of shot types and styles
  • The zombie makeup looked good
  • We got everything done that we were aiming to do
  • We used shots to achieve comedy elements
  • We got a lot of the filming of the scenes caught for a behind the scenes video
Things that didn't go well:
  • It was hard for Tristan to film any shots as his character was in almost every shot
  • We couldn't find out how to work the game console, however we worked around it and had a shot of the tv with a green screen (but this might not give us the overall look we wanted)
  • We took longer to set up
Things we will do better in our next film shoot:
  • Get Tristan and James to direct more shots
  • Look for more areas to add comedy
  • Be more efficient when transitioning between shooting scenes
  • Be more efficient when setting up
  • Be more efficient when doing makeup

Sunday 23 February 2020

/// CREATIVE1 Planning

Spill you guts or fill your guts

This is a game played on 'The late late show by James Corden'

James Corden and a celebrity will sit on a table with several different food or drinks forfeits (to eat or drink if a question is not answered)

I am planning to do this to present my knowledge on audiences and distribution (Q2)

If myself or the other contestant gets a question wrong, we will explain why and give a detailed description/explanation of the correct answer (to show we understand)

When: during a free period in school

Where: any free room

Cast: Scope Productions, Spikey Films

Planned forfeits:
  • Shot of lemon juice
  • Shot of hot sauce
  • Bite of raw onion
  • Sour sweet
  • Spoon of marmite
  • Spoon of cinnamon

Sunday 2 February 2020



Grey zip up hoodie
left open to show white shirt with blood stain

Baggy blue jeans
Shaun of the Dead zombies look as if they are fitted normally as if they are normal humans

Black socks
We didn't want any false representations with white or coloured socks

White hands
Had to match with the colour of the rest of the body
White connotes a dead look

White base layer of face + lips
White connotes a dead look

Red directly under eyes
Zombie looks tired (matching with the way he walks and the way he moans)

Lighter/dusty hair
We put flour (as an emergency replacement of falcon powder) in the zombie's hair
Possible hint that he has 'risen from the ground'

Scar through eye and on neck
Fake cuts add to the dead and beaten up look

Contact lens in one eye
makes the cut look like it did damage

Thursday 30 January 2020

/// PRE-PRODUCTION15 Filming equipment

Here is a list of the equipment we will use to record our film opening:

Small Tripod - convenient for worms eye view shots

iPhone 11 - the highest quality out of all iPhone cameras. Has a very wide angle lens (improving the issue of recording in small rooms). Similar quality to proper camera

LED camera light - this means we can film in rooms that have slightly less light.

Large Tripod - gives the shots stability and gives us the opportunity to adjust heights if need be

iPhone tripod adaptor - meaning we can attach the iPhone to the tripod

Gimbal - if we chose to use any tracking shots, it gives a very stabilised and professional look to the footage

/// PRE-PRODUCTION14 Blog schedule?

These are the blog posts we want to have completed by 02/02/20

  • Makeup video and blog - Emma
  • Mia Jones outfit (yet to find black leather jacket) - Emma
  • Zombie outfit - Louis
  • Animatic - James
  • Eddie Pegg outfit - Tristan
  • Donnie Romero outfit - Tristan
  • Behind the scenes from film opening - Emma
  • Idents - Louis combining them together
  • Screenplay - Tristan
  • Equipment used - Louis 
  • Casting characters - James

  • Monday 27 January 2020

    /// PRE-PRODUCTION13 Update + Zombie makeup practise 2


    26/01/2020 was set to be our first filming day, however unfortunately a cast member fell ill just before filming, therefore we couldn't film. We have now arranged to meet on 02/02/2020 to have our first filming.


    Despite not filming on this date, myself and Scope Productions met up to practice the zombie makeup once more. It worked relatively well, as the zombie look is a lot more complete than the last time we practised it. Here is a comparison between the two zombie looks we have done so far.

    One the left, we have a look that we went or a few weeks ago. It is a lot more simpler and significantly less convincing. On the right, we have the look we practised this Sunday. Here are things we preferred about the more recent one:
    • The scar is more convincing (and it looks good going through the eye - will work very well with contact lense)
    • Bruising around the scar
    • The makeup goes down to the neck
    • lip looks swollen because of the blood
    Here are some things we want to improve on for our final zombie look:
    • The blood around the mouth is too bright
    • There are white areas around the scarring
    • The general colour needs to be more pale (too red/purple)
    We still need to practise:
    • Fitting the makeup with the hair
    • Dressing the zombie with the makeup
    • practising with liquid latex
    Here is a video of us completing the face of makeup on the 26/01/2020....


    Friday 24 January 2020

    /// PRE-PRODUCTION12 Weather predictions

    This is the predicted weather on 24/01/2020
    (2 days before we are due to have our first)

    /// PRE-PRODUCTION11 Make-up purchasing


    I've bought some more makeup to help with the zombie makeup because I think it needs some improvement.  

    Blue Face Paint

    Gray Face Paint

    White Face Paint

    Green Face Paint

    Fake Blood

    Red Lipstick (Could be for blood)

    Eyeshadow Palette with a better blue

    /// PRE-PRODUCTION10 Online research - zombie


    These are 3 videos show different looks found in YouTube. Although we will use bits form these videos, we are not looking to achieve the exact same look as any of these. These are the areas we liked and will use in our film opening:
    • pale face (dead look)
    • fake scarring through the eye
    • white contact lenses
    • bruises around the eyes
    • blue, red and purple discolouring
    • pale lips (but with blood pouring from them)
    • red directly under the eyes